All or nothing.
You can’t chop mother nature into neat little portions. She’s a single entity, full of diversity. And nor does HAINSBERG Papier go in for token environmental protection, either. Operating ecologically means for us: all or nothing.
Dealing responsibly with resources is the green thread running through our entire production. From generating energy, to using nothing but recovered paper for fibres, to our wastewater treatment.
Impressive proof is the double award our paper has received: the Blue Angel and the FSC® certificate – two of the most stringent eco labels in the world.
We are members - and catalysts - of the economic alliance “Initiative Pro Recyclingpapier” (Initiative pro Recycling paper).
We are also member of the alliance "Bundesdeutschen Arbeitskreises für Umweltbewusstes Management (B.A.U.M.) e.V." which is a study group of environmentally management.